1. Why Stall Feeding Goat farming ?

In traditional method goats are allowed to graze freely which involves movement of goats from one place to another. This traditional method facing difficulties due to following drawbacks.

  • Labor Deficiency and upcoming generation not willing to take this kind of job
  • Pilferage - Theft of animals
  • Due to Urbanisation and deforestation goat farmers are not getting suitable graze lands to the goats
  • By nature goat grazing style is also one reason for deforestation and hence goat grazing is not allowed in forest areas
  • The demand for Goat products is increasing and traditional method is not supplying as per the demand stall feeding goat farming is the best alternate

2. What is Goat farming - stall feeding ?

Allowing the Animals (Goats) to grow with all stages, i.e., breeding, mating, kidding along with milking etc. in limited area say in sheds with proper care and feeding.

3. Advantages of Goat Stall feeding

  • Labor Deficiency and upcoming generation not willing to take this king of job
  • Pilferage - Theft of animals
  • Due to Urbanisation and deforestation goat farmers are not getting suitable graze lands to the goats
  • By nature goat grazing style is also one reason for deforestation and hence goat grazing is not allowed in forest areas
  • The demand for Goat products is increasing and traditional method is not supplying as per the demand stall feeding goat farming is the best alternate

4. What is S I M A ?

S I M A is most important rule which needs to follow to get success in goat stall feeding. i.e., Selection of animal, Infrastructure, Management and Agriculture

  • Selection of Animal :
    Performance of the animal is influence by the gene of parental animal but not the breed.The best gene animal can be tested by means of age, body weight, structure, yield of milk, and healthy kidding performances. Ex: if animal is of aged 12 months and 10 10-12kgs and mates with 20 kg animal, then it gives birth to the kid of 800-1000 gm day one weight. If animal is of 12 months old and weighs 45-50 kg with good body structure, udder structure, mates with 75-80 kilo animal then kids day one wight will be 4.5 -5 KG. This kid will grow up to 50 kilo for one year with all perfect and proper infrastructure, management and feeding
  • Infrastructure :
    • If the number of animals is less than 25-40animals then need not worry much about infrastructure but need to take care in selection of animals, management and feeding.
    • If the number of animals is more than 40 infrastructure for animals, workers should be considered.
    • The infrastructure should contain provision for breeding, kidding, milking, Sick animal treatment, quarantining the animals, food / medicine stock, labor sheds, water facility.
  • Management :
    • Managing the Animal - knowledge about managing the animal like, managing the animal before, during and after the pregnance and delivery of the kid
    • Managing the male stock, kids, and growing animals
    • In time and proper checking along with necessary periodical treatments like, woof trimming, hair removal, de worming, dipping treatment, vaccination, and observation of animals about the their sickness
    • Feeding management like, greens, hay and concentrates separation, stock, mixture and in time feeding.
    • Maintaining whole farm under the bio security measurement
    • Maintaining the records in all aspects such as, animals, kids, food, medicine, milk, manure .etc . . .
    • Labor and Financial management
  • Agriculture :
    • YGF sincerely suggests to have its own agriculture land for cultivation of required feeds. Even though people may think to get commitment from the neighbour or any farmers for cultivating and buying of feeds that may not be fulfill the exact requirement, intime availability or simply cannot be relay.
    • Requirement of agriculture land is i acre for 30 animals
    • The must and should practice to be followed are
      • Step or batch cultivation of maize or multi cutting grass for the 365 days feeding
      • Growing the fodder trees (sesbania, malbari, subabul etc...) proportional to the number of animals
      • Spacing for the multi cutting of lucerne and hedge lucerne
      • Soil and land treatment
      • Water management (drip, sprinkle etc . . )
      • Labor management

    Any one aspect of S I M A rule is not taken care or failed then total farming may end up with undesired results.

5. Food adulteration caution

Cattle feeds are suggested by some sources but YGF recommends not to go for that cattle feed , instead get the natural feedings like, (Maize, Sesbania, Mulberry, subabul, lucerne, hedge lucerne, Mineral Mixture, Calcium Supplement, Iron Supplement . . .

6. Myths About Goat Farming

  • Exotic Animal crossing gives more weghing kid or best breed : No . . . Indian breeds are to the international level - exotic animals may not necessary to get best production
  • Goat Farming is Make more money in short time : No . . . there is no shortcut . . . if proper SIMA rule is followed then only one can get more profit
  • Goat Farming is loss business : No . . . with passion and proper SIMA rule followup Goat farming is profitable venture

7. What is the cost estimation for per acre land OR minimum project cost ?

Commercial Aspects for 30 Goats farming for the period of Two years
(All the Expenditures are at higher level and incomes are lower level)


Capital (infrastructure)
30 Aimals
Food and Medicine (30animalsX30Rs / day*365days*2)
Kids Expenditure (84kids X 180days X 25rs/day)
Capital interest (12.5%)


From Kids (80kids X 40kilo X 400Rs / kilo)
Milk (90 Days X 3Kidding X 0.5Ltr / day X 100Rs / ltrX28 animals)
Manure (1Kg X365D X 30Parent X 5Rs)
Manure (1KgX120D X 80kids X 5Rs)


PROFIT = Total Income - Food and medicine - Kids Expenditure - Capital interest
PROFIT = 17,60,750 - 6,57,000 - 3,78,000 - 1,00,000 PROFIT = 6,25,750/-
This profit 6,25,750/- is for the duration of two years. i.e.,Per Year 3,12,875/- and Per Month profit is 26,073/-

Note : One acre of land is required for 25-30 animals farming


Albarkaatfarms Goat Farm,Yedahalli, Nanjungud Taluk Mysore District, Karnataka, India. +91.9620590777 - Albarkaatfarms@gmail.com

Albarkaatfarms Goat Farm